About ‘So’…Podcast

What’s this podcast about?

So… is a podcast that’s about…

Conversations with everyday people. Social workers and CEOs. Activists and politicians. Artists and accountants. Everyone with a story to tell.

Diversity. Learning more about who’s in our community, what they do, and why they do it.

Asking unique questions. Questions that are non-judgmental but probing. Getting to the heart of the matter.

Focusing on individuals. Giving them a platform to pitch their initiatives for helping people, their organisation, or even the planet.

Not being afraid. Allowing people to tell their story without reservation. Embracing controversial topics from all sides of the equation.

Having a laugh and a good time. It’s a serious podcast with a sense of humour about itself. We deal with heavy topics with a light hearted nature.

The Unsung Heroes. People who toil away for the good of so many people without getting a guernsey. A platform for a little slice of fame and gratitude.

Everything and everything. There’s no “off limits” topic on this podcast. Whatever our guests bring to the podcast is what we talk about.

So… Who’s the host?

John Mckenna is an empowerment advocate, podcaster and commentator. John has worked for over 30 years to empower people who experience challenges in their daily lives and society. He is the host of So…Podcast and produced over 20 episode that cover topics such as suicide prevention, disability advocacy, inclusiveness and resilience. John is also the co-host and producer of What’s Growing on Podcast with Zen Fong, a podcast by gardeners, for gardeners and lovers of gardens around the world. John lives his life with his personal philosophy of story listening, purposeful connection and pushing back against conscious and unconscious biases.

So… How do I get involved?

The So… podcast invites individuals, organisations, government & businesses. We’re interested in spreading the word about products and services, new initiatives, and other stories. To get on board, contact John McKenna on 0419 877 712.