Melbourne based public, performance and contemporary artist, Brett Ashby talks to John McKenna on ‘So…’ podcast about flowing, ‘rolling’, and growth through art, creation, and connection.
In his 15-year journey as both a local and international artist, Ashby opens up about how his artistic practice and connections helped him to discover his own story and healing.
Using his childhood love of surfing and skating in a flow-state artistic process he calls ‘rolling’, Ashby explores how art can be created through interpreting energy and vibrations.
Maybe that sounds a bit different – but that’s his story, and Ashby’s art has become an energetic therapy and avenue to connect with others.
In a conversation with John that rolls and flows like Ashby’s art, they discuss his unique skateboard-riding-portrait-painting-process, and how connecting with young people through public art helped him to learn and rediscover his own journey, as well as produce public artworks that made a positive contribution to community.
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